28 June 2012

HMRC respond to their survey of intermediaries

You may remember the survey of intermediaries that the revenuebenfits website hosted on behalf of HMRC in February 2012.

The purpose of the survey was to help HMRC understand what they can do in assisting you to help your clients. They wanted to know how you use the current HMRC services available to you, which customer groups and queries you deal with most often and what help you would welcome from HMRC Benefits and Credits.

HMRC have now responded to the questions and issues you raised.  Their response also includes details of the improvements they have made as a result of your feedback.

HMRC are planning to conduct a further survey, once again hosted by the revenuebenefits website, in late summer 2012.


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Note: revenuebenefits is a partnership between the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group and the rightsnet website; it has been created with support from HMRC.